Mouthguards & Splints


A mouth guard is a protection accessory that people wear over their teeth to protect against teeth grinding at night and during sports. Most mouth guards cover your upper set of teeth. 

- Mouth guard or night guard 
- Teeth grinding and clenching (bruxism)
- Sports guard 
- Contact sports athletes 
(eg. Rugby, Taekwondo, MMA, Football, Boxing etc.)

At Smile Design Dental Practice, our doctor will suggest a suitable mouth guard or sports guard for you. 

In fact, most of us need one at some point of time. As people nowadays get more stressed with studies, work or relationships, we will indirectly reflect and manifest stress in different forms. One of these is unconscious teeth grinding and clenching during sleep. This is known as bruxism.
What is a Bruxism?

Bruxism is a condition where you grind or clench your teeth unconsciously and usually it is during sleep. Approximately 60% to 70% of the population grind their teeth at some point of their lives. You will not be aware that you have bruxism as it happens during your sleep. Mild cases of bruxism do not require treatment. However, some people may start to experience frequent headaches, soreness and discomfort at neck and shoulders muscles and pain at jaw joints. We recommend these people seek dental treatment.
Signs and symptoms of Bruxism 

- The sound of teeth grinding and clenching is loud enough to wake your sleeping partner
- Teeth became chipped, mobile or flattened
- Increase tooth sensitivity and pain
- Tired or tight jaw muscles causing jaw, neck or face pain and soreness
- Frequent dull headaches around the temples
- Sleep disruption
What is a Splint?

A splint may look similar to a mouth guard but the usage and purpose is different. A splint is made from hard dental acrylic to commonly manage the dental disorder known as Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMD). 

The temporomandibular joint is the joint that connects your skull and jaws together. When this joint is injured or damaged, there will be pain experienced at that area. The injured temporomandibular joint will lead to pain when you chew or move your jaws. You may also feel clicking and crackling of the jaws at both sides of your face, nerves are inflamed and frequent headaches are observed. 

Signs and Symptoms of TMD

-Clicking and popping of the jaws
-Pain and locking of the jaw joint area
-Pain and popping sounds in ears
-Pain at temple areas
-Frequent headaches
-Stiff and sore jaw muscles

The splint is designed to alleviate the pain and possible damage caused by grinding and clenching of teeth, protecting your teeth from daily wear and tear. Our doctors at Smile Design Dental Practice customize the splints according to individual patients after careful and detailed examination. 

 Maintenance of a mouth guard

A typical mouth guard is able to last a few years. However, with the daily wearing, you may expect some wear and tear or scratches on the biting surfaces. This means that your mouth guard is doing its job to protect your teeth. You need to give regular maintenance to clean your mouth guard so that it will last longer.

Always remember to brush and floss your teeth before wearing any oral appliance. This will help to prevent any food trap between your teeth and resulting in tooth decay.

Daily - Simply clean it by brushing with some toothpaste, rinse off thoroughly then air dry

Weekly - Use a mouth guard tablet, soak the mouth guard in the water with the cleansing tablet

Regular dental check - Bring your mouth guard along to your regular check at the dental clinic, allow your dentist to check on your mouth guard. If the wear & tear is too severe, he/she may recommend to replace it

Check with us on the different types of mouth guards or splints that suit your condition.

Schedule an appointment with us NOW! Call us at 6463 8588 or WhatsApp to 9815 5336

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